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Top level | immaterial entity Short Extended |
Level 2 | anatomical line Short Extended |
Level 3 | bona fide anatomical line Short Extended |
Current level | anatomical line of cranium |
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FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67112 | |
FMA:50705 | |
FMA:9657 | |
FMA:242999 | |
FMA:53131 |
anatomical line of cranium
Taxonomic list |
FMAID | TA | UID | Pair |
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
53131 | 10915 |
anatomical line of cranium
linea anatomica cranii
53092 | 10916 |
anatomical border of bone of cranium
margo anatomicus ossis cranii
53097 | 429 | part |
supraorbital margin of frontal bone
margo supraorbitalis ossis frontalis
53097 | 375 | part |
superior margin of orbit
margo superior orbitae
75757 | 493 | part |
sphenoidal limbus
limbus sphenoidalis
53093 | 413 | part |
occipital border of parietal bone
margo occipitalis ossis parietalis
53094 | 414 | part |
squamous border of parietal bone
margo squamosus ossis parietalis
53095 | 415 | part |
sagittal border of parietal bone
margo sagittalis ossis parietalis
53096 | 416 | part |
frontal border of parietal bone
margo frontalis ossis parietalis
55490 | 546 | part |
occipital margin of temporal bone
margo occipitalis ossis temporalis
55484 | 605 | part |
parietal border of temporal bone
margo parietalis ossis temporalis
55487 | 607 | part |
sphenoidal border of temporal bone
margo sphenoidalis ossis temporalis
57721 | 665 | part |
nasal notch
incisura nasalis
57734 | 675 | part |
lacrimal border of maxilla
margo lacrimalis maxillae
284981 | 17034 |
anatomical border of mandible
margo anatomicus mandibulae
59459 | 750 | part |
angle of mandible
angulus mandibulae
59481 | 759 | part |
mandibular notch
incisura mandibulae
53098 | 433 | part |
parietal border of frontal bone
margo parietalis ossis frontalis
53099 | 448 | part |
sphenoidal border of frontal bone
margo sphenoidalis ossis frontalis
53175 | 10917 |
anatomical border of subdivisions of skeletal system of head
margo anatomicus divisionum systematis skeletalis capitis
53176 | 374 | part |
orbital margin
margo orbitalis
53177 | 376 | part |
inferior margin of orbit
margo inferior orbitae
53178 | 377 | part |
lateral margin of orbit
margo lateralis orbitae
53179 | 378 | part |
medial margin of orbit
margo medialis orbitae
54808 | 13551 |
border of greater wing
margo alae majoris
53510 | 521 | part |
frontal margin of greater wing
margo frontalis alae majoris
53511 | 522 | part |
parietal margin of greater wing
margo parietalis alae majoris
53513 | 523 | part |
squamosal margin of greater wing
margo squamosus alae majoris
53512 | 520 | part |
zygomatic margin of greater wing
margo zygomaticus alae majoris
53177 | 661 | part |
infraorbital margin of maxilla
margo infraorbitalis maxillae
57422 | 442 | part |
nasal border of frontal bone
margo nasalis ossis frontalis
57424 | 410 | part |
superior temporal line of parietal bone
linea temporalis superior ossis parietalis
57427 | 411 | part |
inferior temporal line of parietal bone
linea temporalis inferior ossis parietalis
327537 | 16881 |
angle of parietal bone
angulus ossis parietalis
57430 | 417 | part |
frontal angle of parietal bone
angulus frontalis ossis parietalis
57433 | 418 | part |
occipital angle of parietal bone
angulus occipitalis ossis parietalis
57436 | 419 | part |
sphenoidal angle of parietal bone
angulus sphenoidalis ossis parietalis
57439 | 420 | part |
mastoid angle of parietal bone
angulus mastoideus ossis parietalis
75041 | 463 | part |
mastoid border
margo mastoideus
75042 | 464 | part |
lambdoid border
margo lambdoideus
53106 | 476 | part |
supreme nuchal line ; highest nuchal line
linea nuchalis suprema
53108 | 477 | part |
superior nuchal line
linea nuchalis superior
53111 | 478 | part |
inferior nuchal line
linea nuchalis inferior
75043 | 482 | part |
(internal occipital crest )
(crista occipitalis interna )
59229 | 700 | part |
sphenopalatine notch
incisura sphenopalatina
55502 | 572 | part |
superior border of petrous part ; petrous ridge
margo superior partis petrosae ; crista petrosa
55505 | 580 | part |
posterior border of petrous part
margo posterior partis petrosae
54953 | 609 | part |
sulcus of middle temporal artery of temporal bone
sulcus arteriae temporalis mediae ossis temporalis
55463 | 617 | part |
petrotympanic fissure
fissura petrotympanica
55466 | 618 | part |
petrosquamous fissure
fissura petrosquamosa
55460 | 619 | part |
tympanosquamous fissure
fissura tympanosquamosa
55469 | 620 | part |
tympanomastoid fissure
fissura tympanomastoidea
53119 | 737 | part |
mylohyoid line of mandible
linea mylohyoidea mandibulae
57390 | 430 | part |
supraorbital notch
incisura supraorbitalis
431 | part |
frontal notch
incisura frontalis
75040 | 434 | part |
temporal line of frontal bone
linea temporalis ossis frontalis
56 items
148 entities
Scientific notes |
Signature |
Type of list | T4 |
List Unit Identifier | 10915 |
Number of children | 147 (validated) |
Number of units | 56 (validated) |
Signature | 2778 (validated since 15.10.2024) |
Date: 08.01.2025 |